Your old DVDs are suffering the rot of the disc – Warner Bros. will replace them: ‘they shake like milk’

Your DVDs are dying – and has nothing to do with transmission applications.

DVDs may be a thing of the past, but if you are someone who has kept your collection, you will want to check if they have fallen victim to the Disc rot – especially if they are titles distributed by Warner Bros. Home Entertainment (WBHE).

DISC ROT is not necessarily a new phenomenon, but according to Sony, DVDs have a life expectancy of up to 100 years if they care properly.

DISC ROT is not necessarily a new phenomenon, but according to Sony, DVDs have a life expectancy of up to 100 years if they care properly. Junfu Han / USA Today Network through Imagn Images

WBHE, Warner Bros’s home film distribution arm. Discovery, admitted to a statement on the Joblo news news and review site that many of their DVDs produced between 2006 and 2008 are failing prematurely.

“Warner Bros. Home Entertainment is aware of possible issues affecting the selected DVD titles produced between 2006” 2008, and the company has actively worked with customers to replace damaged drives, “the statement said.

“When possible, damaged discs have been replaced with the same title. However, as some of the affected titles are no longer in the press or the rights have expired, consumers have been offered an exchange for a similar value title.”

While WBHE drives are not the only ones that risk falling victim to DVD Rot, it seems to have been a problem for years among the filmmakers and lovers of the film, making them standing.

Warner Bros. Home Entertainment acknowledged that many of their DVDs produced between 2006 and 2008 are failing prematurely. Grand Warszawski –

People have posted about these DISC Rots in particular in forums such as DVD Talk and home theater forum.

YouTuber Damn Fool Crusader Idealist shared a video in 2021 suggesting that there is a wider range of discs that have been affected than what Warner Bros. accepted in their statement.

Crusader claimed that disk rot problems “focused mainly on classical films and box groups, but also extends to several seasons of television and independent omissions.”

YouTuber compiled a Master list of Warner Home’s DVD Master’s “reported and confirmed” that have rot. In another Google doctor he created, he blames the wrong drives that were produced “approximately 2006 to 2009” in a Cinam manufacturing factory in Olyphant, Pennsylvania. Warner Bros. did not prove the request, Ars Technica reported.

“Everyone goes wrong. They bow down like milk, “YouTuber and DVD collector retroblasting said in a March 2024 video.

Crusader claimed that disk rot problems “focused mainly on classical films and box groups, but also extends to several seasons of television and independent omissions.” Baharlou –

If you are trying to figure out if your DVD collection has rot, Crusader suggests looking for any reproduction issues, such as DVDs that will not be loaded at all, raise while looking or have special unbearable features.

Warner Bros. Advised customers with affected products to contact the customer support team at

#DVDs #suffering #rot #disc #Warner #Bros #replace #shake #milk
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