Megyn Kelly clashed by women for ‘unrealistic’ to get children and a career: ‘Who has to do with that?’

Megyn Kelly crashed on Monday after she shared what critics called an external touch that women should be able to balance a career and a family.

“Ladies, it is possible to earn your money, have your career, pay for your sharp NYC apartment (etc), and find a man you love, wants to have and raise kids with you and wants to Be ww /you and you only, ”she wrote in an X viral post that won nearly 3 million views.

“The only thing that stops you? Your decision to solve less, “added Podcast’s” Megyn Kelly Show “.

Megyn Kelly faced glowing reactions after telling women they could have them all in a post on X. @Megynkelly/Instagram

Fans, media colleagues and social media users were quick to denounce what they called a protective post by the mother of three.

Stephanie Hamill, a journalist and former commissioner of One America News, said Kelly’s “toxic and delusional” post puts highly unrealistic pressures for most mothers “.

“I am a month from the birth and have a little boy. I can assure you, I’m not in Boss Babe mode. I’m surviving, even with help at home, ”Hamill wrote in a post on X.

“It would be interesting to know more about Megy’s child care support system, especially when her children were babies. Did her family help? How many hours a day she had a nanny or daily care? How much helps home , ”she added.

“I remember Megyn admitting that she does not cook during an episode of thanksgiving, (so what do they eat?) Do her husband cook?” Hamill said, asking if the Podcast host hired a private chef.

Kelly left Fox News after more than a decade with the network in 2017, then had a brief day show at NBC News before starting her podcast.

Kelly left Fox News after more than a decade with the network in 2017 before its podcast began. Reuters
Social media users collided with the post of Megyn Kelly, saying he put “very unrealistic pressures for most mothers”. @Megynkelly/x

“The Megyn Kelly Show” ranks in 35 podcasts of the US, according to Spotify Podcast tables.

It earns approximately $ 23 million a year, and has a net value of approximately $ 45 million, according to

“Not wanting to be a Boss Babe is not setting for less. My kids grew up by me, not a nanny or daily care, “said another user on X.” Okay is good to find a man who wants to secure his family. “

Kelly clashed again in a response: “No one suggested otherwise. Try to continue. ”

Another user on X destroyed Kelly’s unrealistic vision for modern women, claiming it has failed in the past.

“Who relates to this s -t? A sharp NYC apartment? Please stop. We already did all this in the late 2000s and didn’t work,” the user wrote in a post.

Kelly earns approximately $ 23 million a year. @Megynkelly/Instagram

“People can’t even afford an apartment on the outskirts of Detroit and they are deeply lonely. Enough already.”

Another user criticized the life of Kelly’s family.

“You were 41 when your daughter was born,” they wrote in a post on X. “If she follows in your footsteps, you will be at 82 when she has her first baby. Your grandchildren won’t never remember.

Kelly was 39 when she had her first child in 2009, according to Britannica.

Kelly poses with President Trump at the Super Bowl. @Megynkelly/x

The mothers of staying at home were dealt with Kelly’s advice, arguing that it was malignant, while the only conservative women clashed to be unreal.

“I no longer consider a career and choose to be a woman at home and mother to be …” less “,” one user wrote in a post on X.

“Ladies, it is also possible for you to win the lottery adjust your expectations and enthusiasm and run accordingly,” wrote another. “Realistic expectations are better here than the points of feminist agricultural conversation.”

#Megyn #Kelly #clashed #women #unrealistic #children #career
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