The North Node moving into Pisces will make or break your zodiac sign

The winds of change are blowing and the lunar nodes are changing signs, my friends.

On January 11, 2025, the North Node of the Moon moves from Aries to Pisces, while the South Node moves from Libra to Virgo.

We will be under the stubborn influence of the axis of practical magic until July 26, 2026, making this a serious season of karmic lessons and deep transformations.

The lunar nodes are not planets or celestial bodies, but two points calculated between the ecliptic of the sun and the orbit of the moon. Their position changes signs every 18 months. The karmic axis, or zodiacal polarity, on which the nodes fall corresponds to the annual phases of the solar and lunar eclipses.

The head of the dragon is moving into dreamy, deluded Pisces this January. MRSUTIN –

In almost all schools of astrology, from Vedic to Hellenistic, the lunar nodes are depicted as a dragon. The North Node is the mouth, and the South Node is the tail.

While the South Node indicates past life patterns, the North Node provides the framework for our soul’s work in this time-space reality.

Astrologer and brilliant tarot reader Letao Wang helps us better understand the power of the nodes as they set up shop in a pair of different polarities.

Wang told The Post, “The North Node shows your life purpose and the lessons you are here in this life to learn, prompting growth and new experiences. Conversely, the South Node reflects past life karma, innate talents, and comfort zones that you need to release in this incarnation.”

He conceives the knots as the gate of destiny.

“The North Node pushes you toward spiritual evolution, while the South Node emphasizes karmic patterns to overcome and shed. Together, they guide you toward balance, integrating the wisdom of the past with the growth of the future, reminding us that life is a journey of soul evolution and transformation.”

Nodes and eclipse season

The North Node is also known as Rahu or the dragon’s head. Anna –

When the nodes change signs, the eclipse season follows suit.

Eclipses, which Wang describes as “cosmic catalysts for change,” only occur when the sun, moon, and North or South Node are in alignment.

“With the North Node in Pisces and the South Node in Virgo in 2025, eclipses will highlight themes of spiritual growth, compassion, and liberation from perfectionism. These celestial events will prompt us to let go of rigid control (Virgo) and embrace intuition, faith, and collective healing (Pisces).

2025 eclipse cycle

2025 will host two partial solar eclipses. Jarama –

Mark your calendars and gird your loins for these 2025 eclipse dates.

March 29, 2025 – Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries.

Wang shared, “This is the last eclipse in Aries before we move into the Pisces-Virgo axis. This is a North Node eclipse, which symbolizes breakthroughs, courage, new beginnings and rebirth.”

September 21, 2025 – Partial Solar Eclipse in Virgo

“This is a South Node eclipse, symbolizing the release of our ego, old identity and outdated patterns that no longer serve our growth,” Wang said.

In 2025 there will be two total lunar eclipses. astrosystem –

March 14, 2025 – Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo

“This is a South Node eclipse, symbolizing letting go of past emotional wounding, family drama and confusion, and all kinds of unhealthy emotional attachments.”

September 7, 2025 – Total Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

“This is a North Node eclipse, symbolizing emotional rejuvenation, support from women, heightened intuition and spiritual awakening,” Wang said.

From the battlefield to the bathtub

The North Node is moving from cardinal fire to mutable water. Nindya –

As the North Node leaves Aries, the ID-intoxicated, fire-blessed firstborn child of the zodiac, we will move from the energy of initiation and individuation and enter the fraught, empathetic waters of Pisces’ bath .

We will all feel called from the trenches to transcendence.

Wang shares, “Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, while Pisces is the last, so this is particularly symbolic. This change reflects the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one. It reflects a spiritual conclusion, urging humanity to move from “me” to “we”, from ego to spirit.

North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo

The North Node in Pisces highlights unity, compassion and resolving boundaries. suththirat –

In keeping with the aforementioned themes of unity and limitlessness.

“The North Node in Pisces invites humanity to embrace spiritual awakening, unconditional love and creative imagination. It is a call to dissolve boundaries, connect with the divine and trust in the flow of life. “Pisces teach us to surrender to what we cannot control and find beauty in the intangible,” Wang said.

Conversely, the South Node residence in Virgo is a call to do away with free criticism, punishing perfectionism and anxious analysis.

Wang shared, “Over the next 18 months, we will learn karmic lessons related to the shadow side of Virgo: the tendency to overanalyze or ‘fix’ others. While the meticulous energy of Virgo has its place, this transit urges us to let go of excessive self-criticism and the illusion that we can control every outcome. The South Node reminds us that true growth comes from embracing imperfection, trusting the process, and letting go of the urge to micromanage the details of life.

Back to the future

As a reflective exercise, Wang urges people to go back to the last time the North Node was in Pisces. Alexander –

As a reflective exercise, Wang urges people to go back to the last time the North Node was in Pisces and the South Node fell in Virgo, the period from June 20, 2006 to January 7, 2008.

Ask yourself what gifts and shadows happened to you during that cycle.

Wang shares, “What did you let go of and what did you embrace? By revisiting those moments, we can discover wisdom to guide us through the next 18 months. Ultimately, nodal cycles remind us that growth is not linear, but spiral—a journey back to familiar themes with deeper meaning and renewed purpose.

Astrology 101: Your Guide to the Star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and reports irreverently on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

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