4 Signs of the zodiac that will be shocked by the total lunar eclipse of the moon of blood to the virgin

Well my friends, the mouth of hell is open and the eclipse season is above us.

On March 14, we will testify and take care of the consequences of a total lunar blood eclipse in the Virgin.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes through the earth’s shadow, obscuring or obscuring its face thoroughly or partially. It can only occur during a full moon when the sun, earth and moon are lined up.

March 14 lunar eclipse

An eclipse is like a full moon presented in a proverbial 11. Nitish – Stock.adobe.com

Hong Kong -based ifa -deeded adviser and winner of Letao Wang awards tells posting that an eclipse is like a full moon presented in a proverbial 11.

“Astrologically, a full moon symbolizes the peak – a moment of clarity and release, encouraging us to give up what we no longer serve. However, a lunar eclipse intensifies this energy, acting as a powerful cosmic catalyst for deep changes. sharp. “

Why does the moon turn red during a lunar eclipse?

This will be the first moon of blood in one year. Apea

Why do we call it a blood moon? The reddish appearance of the lunar surface during the eclipse is caused by sunlight rays around the outer edge of the eclipse shade, or ombra, being filtered and refracted as they pass through the Earth’s atmosphere, throwing the moon indirectly into a pale shine, copper.

FACT FACT: The word eclipse comes from Greek ecclesia It means “to abandon, abandon an ordinary place.”

In nature and according to Wang, “spiritually, this lunar eclipse is a call to surrender to the course of destiny, believing that the universe is guiding us to growth.”

The blood moon in the virgin

The eclipse is eclipse on the variable land of the Virgin. Projectors – Stock.adobe.com

The total lunar eclipse will be transformed into 23 ° 57 ‘Virgo, directly opposing the sun at 23 ° 57’ Pisces, a removed face that will significantly affect those with personal planets between 19 and 29 ° variable signs; Gemini, Virgin, Sagittarius and Pisces.

The eclipse will begin around midnight and peak around 3am EST.

Wang explains that this lunar eclipse is particularly important as the sun in Pisces will be conjunctival punishment, Saturn fortification and the northern node of destiny, while the full moon in Virgo will approximate the southern node.

“Saturn and lunar joints are deeply linked to karma and destiny, suggesting that this eclipse will bring key lessons. Connecting the Sun-Saturn-North emphasizes responsibility, discipline and the need to approximate the purpose of our soul. self-criticism.

Adding to the boiling that during the eclipse, the full moon in the virgin will form a powerful, positive sex with Mars in cancer. “Mars in cancer encourages us to act from a country of emotional courage and food, while virgin -based energy helps us channel this in practical, significant actions. This aspect can help us navigate the intensity of grace, providing support while issuing old luggage and taking steps towards our goals.”

March Eclipse Lunar

Venus is the planet of love and attraction and its retrograde is known as the ‘ex -season’. Egor Mayer – Stock.adobe.com

This eclipse is eclipse while Venus, our planet of wealth and value is retrograde in Aires and just hours before Mary, our planet of thought and expression, begins its retrograde in the same hot hot kaul.

Retrograds are periods of memory, reflection and review, amplified topics from a lunar eclipse in the sign of detail and distinction.

Wang tells the post, “it’s a time to reflect on our karmic models, let go of what no longer matches our highest goal, and embrace transformative power of change. Also remember what personal beginnings or projects you started in September 2024, when the new moon happened in Virgo: What did you finish?

While this eclipse will shake us all, those with considerable placement in variable signs are ready to feel the sharpest strength.

Keep in mind and take the heart of the Gemini psychiatrist M. Scott Peck, “the truth is that our best moments are likely to happen when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy or unfulfilled. Because only in such moments, driven by our concern, are we likely to come out of our routine.”

Here’s to the divergent paths and the extraordinary echo of honesty.

Read about your sun and the growing mark.

Bones Stellar – Stock.adobe.com

This eclipse is a dooz for youGemini, like You are working inside and through your fourth home of home, origin, ancestors and emotional heritage.

With the retrograde of Venus and Mercury this month, you can decide which roots to be cut free and what should be kept as cuttings for spread.

I recently ended up reading Tome “Lonesome Dove” by Gemini author Larry McMurtry. After a terrible trauma falls the female protagonist, her paramour cowboy Gus notes, “She will not forget it, but she can overcome it.”

As the memories are exhumed and remembered, I encourage you to adopt a similar attitude with poor, pragmatic hope.

Bones Stellar – Stock.adobe.com

The Virgin Folk is in a personal account as this eclipse falls into your first home of yourself. The eclipses are not known for their details and this can see that you pour the old skin of an identity that has more to do with what you were than what you are doing.

As an offer for you on the glorious occasion of this eclipse brings you the poem “Skin Shed” by Harryette Mullen:

“Drawing from the old skin of the scorch

(Old Old thing I don’t need now

I peel


leave behind)

Deduct death

Flick Finclakes on the ground

Throwing the severity

Peeling the layers down

to the tangible things

And i’m being lit by old eyelids

For a new way to see

From the rock I rub up against I will be the tender again. “

Bones Stellar – Stock.adobe.com

For Sagittarius Folk, this Lunation throws the flood lights into your tenth house of career, heritage, mentoring and perception of the public. Given the unheard of the eclipse season, you can find yourself unworthy in your career; In the face of a probative choice, a change of success or forced to face outdated professional models.

Observe Hunter S. Thompson’s ingenuity, “a man who prevents his choice will inevitably have his choice for him by circumstances.”

Remember in these uncertain times that every loss is a gift and every load strengthens your resistance.

Bones Stellar – Stock.adobe.com

This moon blood shines an unforgivable light in your seventh home of partnerships, contracts and alliances, Pisces. There is nowhere to hide any strong land for beautiful pedestals. While the sails can fall and romantic frauds can be destroyed, the space they leave will invite healthier, more fulfilled to walk inside, wipe and take root.

Also, perhaps, in the service of your future self and all the lovers you still have to meet, you have to put this poem on your bathroom wall and engage it in the vinyl of your broken heart.

Astrology 101: Your Star Guide

Astrologer Reda Wigle investigates and reports unfairly on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Its horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To reserve a reading, visit its website.

#Signs #zodiac #shocked #total #lunar #eclipse #moon #blood #virgin
Image Source : nypost.com

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