2025 Eclipse the lunar moon of the full blood worm in the virgin: suggest the chaos

Buckle my babies, we are in the eclipse season grahms, where nothing is sacred and no one is sure.

On March 14, 2025, we will be under the sky and the influence of a total eclipse of the lunar blood moon in the virgin.

A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth casts its shadow completely over a full moon.

Why does the moon turn red during a lunar eclipse?

On March 14, 2025, we will be under the sky and the influence of a total eclipse of the lunar blood moon in the virgin. AFP/Getty images

The reddish appearance of the lunar surface – the moon does not completely disappear from the appearance – is caused by sunlight rays around the outer edge of the eclipse shade, or Umbra, being filtered and refracted as they pass through the Earth’s atmosphere, throwing the moon indirectly in a pale, copper shine.

Sunsofia, a psychic astrologer in Nebula, tells the post, “Total lunar eclipse on March 14, 2025, will occur at 23 ° Virgo, bringing practical and based on this heavenly event. Virgo is associated with organization, health, service and attention to details. Our desire for perfection and order can clash with our need for delivery and creativity. “

With regard to this polarity, the Mainline Pisces inspiration and the virgin bases idealism on the land of pragmatism. The Earth gives structure to the imagination of the water, borrowing the scaffolding in the dream landscapes. This is the axis on which the practical and poetic consortion.

Virgo gets a bad representative to be a residential perfectionist of the zodiac, but the true purpose of the sign is more compatible with ritual cleansing, asking us to consider what can be pruned so that we can progress. The ultimate teaching of the Virgin is to integrate our mental, physical, and spiritual energies into a single force for depth and growth.

March 14 lunar eclipse

This eclipse falls on the axis of the Virgin/Pisces. Evangelina – Stock.adobe.com

Author Chuck Palahniuk, Who consequently, and rightly has a Sun Pisces and the Virgin Moon writes, “Only after the disaster can we be resurrected. Only after you have lost everything you are free to do nothing. Nothing is static, everything is evolving, everything is breaking.”

While the full moons are usually related to lighting and competition, lunar eclipses signal a time of delivery, when riding the wave, cutting cords before and colleagues with fear and hope towards dark land and new growth.

Let’s not forget my friends, there is no richer fertilizer than fresh blood.

Moon Moon Mars 2025

Let’s not forget my friends, there is no richer fertilizer than fresh blood. Daniella – Stock.adobe.com

Sunsofia says to the post, “Wait for a period of work -focused introspection, personal well -being and organization. This eclipse encourages self -improvement, healing and a new start in structuring our lives.

Eclipses tend to cause major discoveries, divisions and advances. What at first may feel, to paraphrase Mary Oliver, as a box full of darkness will eventually be revealed as the type of gift we would never look for, but ultimately it would have to.

This eclipse will be visible in parts of America, Europe and Africa. Arterial color will remind us of the power of transformation and what can be gained from what it has lost.

Astrology 101: Your Star Guide

March 2025 full moon of worm

The full moon of the worm in the virgin is the last full moon of winter. Getty Images/IstockPhoto

Names for the full moons given in the “Old Farmer Almanac” have withdrawn from local, European and colonial American traditions.

The full moon of Mars is known as the worm moon, believed to refer to the earth’s worms as the Earth warms, calling birds to feed and sing that spring.

However, Aries Explorer and Mapmaker notebooks Captain Jonathan Carver, who traveled widely throughout the Midwest territories in the 18th century, suggest that the term was used by Naudowesie (Dakota) to describe Beetle’s larvae-like worms in this year’s belly bark.

This combination of photos shows the moon at different stages of a total lunar eclipse during the blood moon in Temple City, Calif. May 15, 2022. Apea

In both cases, the full moon of Mars can be read as a discovery point, new life, rich dirt and fresh shape. Other names for the full moon of Mars include Sugar Moon, used by Ojibwe to indicate the time of the year that SAP begins to circulate in sugar maple and sore moon eyes, used by lavot to describe dazzling sunlight (and moon) the light reflecting the snow in late winter.

We are all Influenced by lunar cycles, but variable signs Gemini, Virgin, Sagittarius and Pisces will feel The fullness and consequences of this sharper eclipse.

Rituals and practices for lunar eclipse

In this full amplified moon, you are cordially invited to do nothing, but stay hydrated, hopeful and inside. Typepng – Stock.adobe.com

Eclipses are not the time to call goals or perform full moon rituals as the eclipses themselves function as Valkyres, doing the work of brinancing for all of them cursed.

In this full amplified moon, you are cordially invited to do nothing, but stay hydrated, hopeful and inside.

However, some practices can perform you to learn this limit and keep the bad in the breast.

  • Earth itself walking barefoot in nature or gardening, allowing body work to reflect the processes of the sky.
  • Practice the course of consciousness. In or around the eclipse put the paint on the cheek and let it bleed. Just as the eclipse cannot be controlled, try to allow words to come without hesitation, judgment or the need to make sense. Think about this as a cleansing poem.
  • If you feel bothered or energized, you can also clean through the smoke cleaning or a salt or shower bath. As the water surrounds you, imagine all the negative energy in your body and the auric field to empty in the water. Let S – empty you down the drain and see yourself right from your bright and beautiful life.

Astrologer Reda Wigle investigates and reports unfairly on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Its horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To reserve a reading, visit its website.

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Image Source : nypost.com

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