No nyse! TV Veterans Reporter was shot after dust on the trading floor

“Get out of my goal!”

TV journalists have shouted these words for years. They occur when civilians put themselves uninvited in a live broadcast.

Most people who go there do not insults – believe me about it because I have been there – and they usually bow down from the blow without a fuss. The sharp words are, as they say, just another day in the office in this profession. They are not something that should reduce you in serious trouble, unless, that is, you do your reporting on the New York Stock Exchange – where the pronunciation of this phrase can literally rest.

This is what happened to John the terrett, a 50-year-old veteran broadcaster, whose achievements include covering the minute of September 11 terrorist attacks for the BBC.

NYSE officials complained about the chiefs of John the territory that the terrett had the casket to tell someone – a NYSE employee it came out – to go out of its purpose and do so quickly. Jack Forbes / NY Post Design

For the past eight years, the terrett has reported to the US CGTN News based in Beijing, covering the US markets and economics. He does this from the node floor.

This would happen until last Monday, as NYSE officials complained in front of his bosses on the continent that the terrett had a caja to tell someone – an employee of NYSE it came out – to get out of his blow and do so quickly.

Again, such dust is common, which NYSE must fully understand as the TV is the kind of what it does these days. Not too much trade occurs on his iconic floor at the headquarters in the corner of the wall and the wide roads in Lower Manhattan. Traders have been replaced by TV computers and reporters. News organizations promote their coverage of markets with the predominantly Faux atmosphere of NYSE.

That is why I thought the shooting was very strange when the news encountered my table. So I asked NYSE for an explanation, as I did CGTN. Both refused to comment.

The terrett gave me his version. A couple of weeks ago as he made a direct hit on the floor, he noticed a NYSE execution giving a tour and about 20 people full of people in his shot while in the air. He got angry – again I was there and this is not a pleasure for the reporter and the viewer – so he told them to move.

That was supposed to be it.

Traders work on the floor of New York Stock Exchange
Traders have been replaced by computers – and TV reporters. News organizations promote their coverage of markets with the predominantly Faux atmosphere of NYSE. Getty Images

But it wasn’t. Apparently, NYSE’s son was not happy with the reaction of the terrett. His bosses then writes the field supervisors in CGTN that he did something bad and this may result in the network to lose his privileges in the studio.

At the beginning of this week, this is exactly what happened. The terrett was fired for the cause, telling me, after learning that the CGTN had completed its contract on the floor.

Complete disclosure: I know the terrett; His daughter is my manufacturer at Fox Business. Can he be a little thorny? Yes, so I and the rest of the reporting profession, especially when someone is changing your hits. Was this the first time he told someone in strict conditions to get out of his way? Of course not.

Another complete discovery: it has been my experience that people who run celebrity nyse (now owned by Atlanta -based intercontinental exchange) are a surprisingly dominant gang.

They seek to control any part of what the little news goes down there and may be irritating to it. I remember when they literally pushed a FOX business reporter on the floor to ask a CEO a question while ranking a technology company.

But they can be deceit, though part of me understands paranoia. The so -called large board, as the epicenter of capitalism is so irrelevant of the border line these days that it is owned by a computer company in Atlanta, which is essentially what is intercontinental exchange.

With the physical trading of shares that go on the Buggy whip, NYSE itself is mostly computerized. The main reason that its building has not become Condos like the rest of the city of Manhattan is because it has reluidered as one of the country’s largest studios.

But the country is still quite profitable. So perhaps the computer geeks that run the exchange can spend a little money on the sensitivity training the next time they are thinking of beating a reporter to do his job.

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