Former Agoikago Democratic Mayor Rahm Emanuel abolished the leadership of the city of Agoikagos in “Real Time with Bill Maher” this week.
Emanuel said Friday evening that the government has allowed the city to become too “permissive” of crime and has fixed warm liberal issues such as Banja Transgeneration Policies rather than dealing with education standards.
“I don’t want to hear another word about the closet room, I don’t want to hear another word about the bathroom. You better start focusing on the class,” Emanuel Panel told in real time, presenting Bill Maher and Liberal Fareed Zakaria.
Maher, who often shatters the extension of the remaining extension in his program, asked himself, “I read that the current Agoikago mayor has a 6.6 percent approval estimate … What is happening in Agoikago?”
“Circle it. 7, “the former mayor and former US ambassador to Japan joked, though he entered into some serious criticism of the city government. He began noticing his mantra again when he led the city, saying Maher,” safe roads, strong schools, sustainable finances. Focus on those three things and your city will be fine. “
Speaking in general, he pointed out, “You also have the Mayor of New York who is not doing well … Undoubtedly other things here in Los Angeles not doing well, the mayor here.
Emanuel added, returning it to Agoikago: “We have spent five years where people became very permissive as a culture – that is why everything is locked in CVS and Walgreens, and this is a disaster.”
Fox News Digital arrived at President Johnson’s office for comment.
The Agoikagos Police Department reported that the theft of motor vehicles, heavy battery, theft and murder have increased since 2022, something that MAHER has commented during its appearance. He asked in 2023 why no one seems to be turning to black crime in the city.
“Why no one talks about it? Why there are not a hundred giant black celebrities, who would have the respect of those people, saying: ‘What are you doing? Why are you killing each other? “
Return to Friday’s show, Emanuel then suffered the city’s education standards, saying the government is obsessed with smart policies than in their students’ grades.
“We have the worst reading results for eighth grade in 30 years, and no one – not governor, not chairman, not president, not secretary of education is talking about it. We are all wrapped.”
Attracting smart policies and progressive gender language, he called, “Look, in seventh grade, if I had known that I could have said the word” them “and get to the girls’ bathroom, I would have done it.”
“In a literally we are a superpower, we are facing China with 1.4 billion people and two -thirds of our children cannot read the eighth grade level,” he added.

Although Emanuel mentioned that no president has addressed the crisis, President Trump has rode against low educational standards in America since entry into office, showing it as a reason to regulate and even distribution of the US education department.
Zakaria responded to Emanuel by proclaiming, “This is a major problem of the Democratic Party. If you look at the democratic cities, they are extremely directed. They have too high taxes, so it is impossible to build.”
Trump said last month, “Look at the Department of Education. It is a big deal. So they ranked the best places in the world. We are ranked in No. 40, but we are ranked first in one department: costs for students.
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