All hail the darkest night and the rebirth of the sun.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the days are fading, Yule is near and the winter solstice, the proverbial long night of the soul, is just around the corner. The exact date and time of the solstice varies from year to year, but in 2024, the winter solstice falls on December 21st at 4:19 am EST.
In technical terms, the winter solstice marks the beginning of winter and the point in the year when the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky, directly above the Tropic of Capricorn.
Solstice is a marriage of the Latin words for “sun” and “to stand still,” and the winter solstice equates to the shortest day and longest night of the year.
Winter’s sun-burnt, popcorn-flecked sister, the summer solstice, celebrated on or around June 21, coincides with the longest day and shortest night of the year.
Between the two, we observe the spring and autumn equinoxes, where sunlight and night are equally distributed.
Celebrating the solstice
The winter solstice is a time to consider what is lost with the frost and what is promised by spring.
Celebrating the solstices and equinoxes is among the oldest traditions known to man, right up there with the storytelling and burial of the dead.
Since we first crawled out of the cave, the winter solstice has heralded a time to retreat back into it, to examine what is lost with the frost and what spring promises.
The Longest Night offers a chance to reflect on the year that has passed and cast an eye and a beacon toward brighter days ahead.
During this time, we are called to imitate the sun and its stay in the country.
You can think of the solstice as the celestial New Year, a time for introspection, cleansing, and planting purpose; just as the sun is reborn at the solstice, so can we be reborn.
An excerpt from the poem “The Shortest Day” by Susan Cooper distills the ancient echo and enduring feelings of the solstice:
Thus came the shortest day and the year died
And everywhere in the centuries of the snow-white world
People came singing, dancing,
To dispel the darkness.
They lit candles in the winter trees;
They hung the houses with evergreens;
They lit prayer fires throughout the night
To keep the year alive.
And when the sun of the new year shone awake
They shouted with joy.
Through all the cold ages you can hear them
Echoing behind us – listen!”
Really listen, put your mind at ease, bask in the sun, welcome the cold, and read on to learn more about how to celebrate the winter solstice.
The party
Food is itself a sacrifice of land and labor. Honor the longest night by preparing a meal that includes seasonal and warming ingredients like roasted game, apples, cloves, cinnamon, rosemary, sage and saffron. Make a cup of strong tea or spiked cider. Gather around those you love and give thanks, trade stories, empty bottles, pass plates and walk up breaking bread and being alive.
Honor the sun in its day with minimal glare, setting aside time to watch it rise and set. Whether you’re an urban dweller or a county dweller, be an active disciple of nature and seek out a park or preserve where you can be humbled by it. Gather up, take a deep breath and collect branches, pine cones and any other natural objects/winter foliage to decorate your home or solstice altar.
If we think of the winter solstice as the spiritual beginning of a new year, we can gain that energy by clearing our spaces of clutter, maudlin memories, our ex-partners’ tax returns, stale spices, expired canned goods. and all other damnable rubbish. .
You can also apply this cleansing energy to the body space of your body, drink some bone broth, greet the sun with a walk in the desert, drink a detox tea and wash your sheets.
In the spirit of banishment and welcome, and on two separate pieces of paper, write down what you want to leave behind and/or rid yourself of and what you want to invite into your life in the coming new year. With these in hand, proceed to the next step.
Fire building
Setting fire is a universal way to honor the gods, the dead, and the passage of time. In conjunction with the solstice, bonfires were traditionally lit to ward off evil spirits during the extended evening hours.
A fire is also burned with the intention of bringing sunlight back to the sky.
Whatever your spiritual practice, the cleansing properties of smoke and the warmth of firelight are a great way to welcome winter and the coming new year. If you don’t have access to a pit, pyre, or fireplace, you can still honor the tradition by lighting candles, clearing smoke, and ritually reading/burning your written solstice intentions.
Astrology 101: Your Guide to the Star
Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and reports irreverently on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.
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