Why are some people so angry? Astrology has an answer for that

They are showing their anger.

Have you ever wondered why some people are hot while others remain calm, cool and collected? In astrology, our relationship with anger and ambition is informed by the planet Mars.

The meaning of the sign of Mars

Named for the Roman god of war, Mars rules blood, vitality, sexuality, power, and will—making a clear connection between our Mars sign and how we create, respond, and react to conflict or disagreement.

Mars is named for the Roman god of war. sengah – stock.adobe.com

To find your Mars sign, you’ll need your birth chart. Use a generator like this one. The Mars symbol resembles a circle with a phallic arrow extending out of the upper right quadrant.

What is my mars sign

In the birth chart, the house Mars occupies can indicate how someone reacts to conflict or where it shows up in their life.

Mars in the first house indicates a person for whom conflict is inseparable from their personality – a strange, excitable type who does not mind and even prefers direct and constant quarrels.

They are not afraid of drama and a real love for the thrill of first extraction and first blood draw. It’s what gives them their signature.

(Looking at you, Mars in the first people like Taylor Swift, Donald Trump, Kris Jenner and Winston Churchill.)

In the fighting spirit, TikTok astrologer Maryaam Lewis-Herbert – also known as Shawty Herbs – has shared the Mars placements she finds “scary as hell”.

Read on to learn more.

Mars in Aries

Mars in Aries people never shy away from a fight. profactors – stock.adobe.com

Herbs attests, “If you have an Aries Mars, I’m not messing with you.”

Mars is the ruler of Aries. Thus, the planet of war is very comfortable exercising full power and independence in these cardinal fires. And believe me, hell hath no fury like this.

Mars in Aries is usually the most impulsive, impatient and angry of all the signs. Like babies, Aries have poor impulse control, high decibel demands, and can ruin an evening out with a meltdown over lukewarm breast milk and poor service.

Russell Crowe has Mars in Aries. PA images via Getty Images

For celebrity evidence, look no further than Mars in Aries natal Russell “shoots you a phone” Crowe.

Herbs continues, “You all go crazy when you’re crazy—it’s actually kind of scary low. You will all be ready to fight.”

In Ascendant or Right Hook, those with this placement tend to be protective of those they love and have no problem standing up for themselves or others, fighting the proverbial good fight in the name of what is right.

Mars in Scorpio

Mars is the ancient ruler of Scorpio. profactors – stock.adobe.com

Mars is the ancient ruler of Scorpio, and in the sign of intensity and punishment, the red planet is the ultimate villain.

Herbs explains: “Have you ever seen someone with Mars Scorpio get angry? Their dark side comes out. Just leave them alone. Trust me.”

Scorpio oversees the realms of sex, death and regeneration, and while their king might make you believe you’ve died and gone to heaven, the way they handle conflict will make you wish you’d never been born .

Mars in Cancer

Mars is in autumn in the sign of Cancer. profactors – stock.adobe.com

The planet of war is in decline in Cancer, which means he struggles to effectively express or process anger and other difficult emotions.

When these people fail to find appropriate outlets for their anger, their outbursts are disturbing at best and dangerous at worst.

Herbs says, “You guys are really one of the scariest people when you’re upset. If a Cancerian gets upset, I’ll just pray for you and hope for the best, because, honey, these people will go from 0 to 100 when you push their buttons.

Herbs claims that Mars in Cancer people can be incredibly sweet and even nurturing, but when they get emotionally activated, it’s a raging situation where all bets are off.

Famous for throwing hands, Tommy Lee and Chris Brown both have Mars in Cancer.

Mars in Taurus

Mars in Taurus has a long fuse and a fierce temper. profactors – stock.adobe.com

Mars is at its disadvantage in Taurus, which means the red planet is at a definite disadvantage when it comes to channeling anger in a healthy or productive way.

Hard-working, self-effacing and ready to rage, Herbs says, “Mars in Taurus can be very cold people, but honey, they’ll make you wish you’d never bother them.”

For proof, see Mars in Taurus, native to Christian Bale, routinely missing his film on set, on press tours, and in the company of his mother.

By boot or fist, Taurus is a fixed sign, and sincere apologies are rarely in their wheelhouse, so don’t hold your breath for a mea culpa.

Astrology 101: Your Guide to the Star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her site.

#people #angry #Astrology #answer
Image Source : nypost.com

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